Monday, November 15, 2010

My latest creation - less paper and more light
So I'm stretching the term "creations" out of the "Caroline's Creations" title of this blog. This weekend I created something that I've been dying to do for ages, maybe at least a year! I finally got around to making my own light box. What? A light box? Yes. It's the most awesome, inexpensive toy...okay, well maybe not for everyone, but it's awesome for me and you! (How do you fit in? Keep reading!)

I have been wanting a light box for ages so I could take better pictures of the cards I create so I can have a better sample to show you on this blog. See...that's where you fit in! So this weekend I did some reading online and found a great website that described how to make a cheap light box. The price was right so I was ready to give it a try! I got a box I had around the house (well, okay, I had to reorganize another section of my closet but I got the box out of it!), some tissue wrapping paper, masking tape, white poster board and an exacto knife. Ta da! That's all I needed.

Here is the before and after shot of my light box.


(Yes, shameless advertising for Close To My Heart scrapbooking supplies)


A special thank you to Stobist website for the instructions!

Oh and P.S. This is also my Picture of the Day for my Project 365 post. Another two-for-one.

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