Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A weekend for some "me" time
It's funny how many times I've heard the comparison of taking care of yourself to the airplane oxygen mask procedures. You put your air mask on first and then the mask for those you are taking care of. Okay, I get the message. I have to take care of myself.

I'm not sure that I've really figured out how to take care of myself, but one thing I know is I love being creative. To feel my soul, I'm hoping to make some time over the chocolate long weekend (aka Easter weekend) and dive into Project Life. I ordered the turquoise Project Life last week, only days before Becky Higgins announced it was sold out! I consider myself very lucky!

I've also ordered photos from the last couple of months so it does feel like I have some catching up to do but I'm not going to let that stress me out. I'm going to dive in and have fun. Good quality "me" time, here I come.