Saturday, August 07, 2010

Project 365, and counting...
Dear readers, I've missed you! I know I've been away for a while but I'm back and I can't wait to share lots of exciting projects and ideas that I've been doing lately!

What I want to tell you about today is Project 365. Have you heard about it? The concept is simple, you take one photo every day for a year. I've realized as a scrapbooker that I often record/document the milestone events. I'm glad I have a way of looking back through my albums and remembering those special times, but I realized that there are things that happen every day that I am missing in those albums. And yet, I believe our memory is filled with those little moments.

When Taylor McKnight started taking a photo a day on January 1st, 2004, he never imagined the project would not only serve as a way to remember a year, but also help him understand what was important to him in his life. Whether it was his relationships, his career, or his fashion sense, recording a photo a day for a whole year left him with a rich visual history of his life.


I figured a good time to start was when I got married, which was this past July so I've started the project. I don't plan to post every photo on this blog but I will keep you up to date on my journey through this project. If you want to join me in doing Project 365, I'd love to hear from you!

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