Hey Sis! This one's for you.It's still strange for me to get used to the idea that I have a sister (in-law), but I do and I'm grateful for that. She emailed me today and said that she loves this idea of the Project 365 but feels that her life is pretty routine so there isn't much that's new in her life to take photos of every day.
Say whaaaat?
Yeah, that was my reaction too! I would be willing to bet dollars to donuts that there is something different about each day, even those days of routine, that is worth taking a picture of.
Here are a few ideas to think about:
- What you ate for dinner
- Filling up for gas (don't you think a picture of the price of gas would be fun to see in 5, 10, 20 years?)
- The shoes you wore
- The bottle of shampoo (toothpaste, deodorant) you used
- The sunset
- The phone/computer you used
- The coffee cup you use every morning
- Who you ate with at lunch/dinner
- Your debit card/credit card
Going to the bank and withdrawing money, brushing your teeth, filling up the car with gas may all seem to be "routine" but don't you think they tell the story of you? In a few months, years, decades, they will have changed and while they may seem routine now, you might get a kick out of seeing them at a later time.
I challenge you (yes, you Sis, and all my other readers) to think outside the box if you're taking on Project 365. If you feel life is routine, use that to your advantage to take photos of the every day objects you use and let that tell the story of you.